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Our Ministry Partners

Some of the ministries that we work with, and support are listed here.  Please take a few minutes and visit them.


Baptist Children's  Homes of North Carolina

The local church is the key resource to fulfill the Great Commission; thus, we enlist pastors and churches to take their people on a mission trip to experience “missions.” 85 percent of all current full-time missionaries surrendered to missions after going on their first mission trip. Church members who take a mission trip return to their church with a deeper commitment to serve in ministries in their church. CiM joins with pastors/churches, sharing opportunities to extend their leadership and ministry by exposing their members to mission fields worldwide.


Sandy Creek Baptist Association

Our purpose is to partner with the churches of the Sandy Creek Baptist Association providing assistance, training, resources, mission opportunities, and more as they seek to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord in their communities. As a missions mobilization center, we help provide ways to be involved in missions both abroad and at home.


Bethany Baptist Church (Sister Church)

Our mission at Bethany Baptist Church is to bear the fruit of the gospel through proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ. This is done by standing on the rock-solid authority of God's inerrant and infallible Word. Through the dedication of our welcoming members, we create a community where fellowship is encouraged and Jesus Christ is exalted above all. Just as the gospel message is made available to all, Bethany Baptist Church will welcome anyone desiring to have a closer relationship with God.


Churches In Missions

The local church is the key resource to fulfill the Great Commission; thus, we enlist pastors and churches to take their people on a mission trip to experience “missions.” 85 percent of all current full-time missionaries surrendered to missions after going on their first mission trip. Church members who take a mission trip return to their church with a deeper commitment to serve in ministries in their church. CiM joins with pastors/churches, sharing opportunities to extend their leadership and ministry by exposing their members to mission fields worldwide.


Gideons International

The Gideons International is an Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus through associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and by providing Bibles and New Testaments. While we are often recognized for our work with hotels, we also place and distribute Scriptures in strategic locations so they are available to those who want them, as well as to those who may not know they need them.

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